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  • Writer's pictureAllan Myers


Updated: Jan 30, 2021




Acklay Mission

Key points to look at every time as a reminder before the fight (more detailed guide is at the bottom)

- 1st move: Use Beast Tamer to remove rage while aiming an AOE Jedi (or you lose!) - Control all AOEs

- Kill AOE-Jedis as late as possible but dont hesitate. Its not too bad - Control daze, use Poggles and GBAs specials to cleanse it

- Control Acklays TM, always check cooldowns from Enraged and Beast Tamer

- keep Sun Facs blind as backup for enrage (you also can use it to dodge the Acklay AOE, if your GBA is fast enough)

- only heal if necessary

GBA Speed+Health-set Health: 70k Protec: 70k Speed: 290

He needs to be as fast as possible > Beast Tamer must be ready when Acklay goes enraged Health and Protec > the taunt can take some hits

Sun Fac Health-sets (or Def), Speed-Arrow Health: 75k Protec 75k Speed: 220

Good secs: Speed > Health/Def/Protec > Tenacity

A fast Sun Fac really helps to control the Acklay, his basic removes buffs (bonus-protec), his 1st special removes TM (aim on Acklay!) and his 2nd special blinds He is a taunt so he needs survivability

Spy CC+CD-set, Off-Arrow, CD-Triangle, Off-Plus Health: 35k Protec: 35k Speed: 200+ CD: 222%+ CC: 80% Dmg: 4000+

He is your damage-dealer, his special is necessary to kill the Acklay He needs a little bit survivability if he has to take an AOE and some speed helps too especially in case he gets dazed


Health: 35k Protec: 35k Speed: 250 Potency: 100%+

Speed+Potency-set, Pot-Plus

He should be very fast and his Ability-Block is crucial His special removes debuffs (daze)


Health: 30k Protec: 30k Speed: 230+ CC: 75% Dmg: 3500+

CD+CC-set, Off-Arrow, CC-Triangle

Same as Spy, give him some speed in case he get dazed His basic does tenacity down > helps Poggle to apply ability-block If you need an ability-block on a Jedi use his special on Poggle, if not call for Spy to hit the Acklay.

Detailed Guide

- Always use Beast Tamer first or you are fucked!

- When you use Beast Tamer aim on an AOE Jedi > all bugs will assist > Poggle applies ability-block

- Traget AOE Jedis in this order: Sentinal, Guardian, Vanguard and Kit Fisto (first 3 hit very hard, Fisto not so much)

- Sentinal goes stealth after a hit > if necessary Spys special and GBAs 1st special can remove it - Vanguard does huge damage if he has lost health > he is not the 1st target but needs to be controlled

- For every living Jedi the Acklay does 10% less damage, which is nice but its not worth risking to get an aoe in your face! - I cant underline this enough: This AOEs will kill you! So if ability-block didnt work > kill them

- when you have all AOE Jedis under control > hit the Acklay. Especially the big hit from Spy should be used as often as possible

- when an AOE-Jedi loses his ability-block > target him again and kill him - For every hit the Acklay gets 5% TM, this can cause the prob that Beast Tamer is still on CD when the Acklay gets enraged

- Therefore have always an eye on the CD and attack the Jedis if you see that the Acklay is too fast and remove TM with Sun Facs special

- Sun Fac can blind the enraged Acklay to give you one turn more time to use Beast Tamer - There is no other reason to attack a non-AOE-Jedi

- Daze is the 3rd big prob, dont use Poggles or GBAs cleanse too early


DS Geo P4 fleet


- Sun Fac

- Geo Spy

- Hyena Bomber (/ Hound’s Tooth??)

1st Reinforcement: Geo Soldier

2nd Reinforcement : Vulture Droid ( / Vader ??)

Aesop’s Strategy: Overwhelm the enemy with firepower !

1. Focus on Fives if he is there and take him out (hopefully before Negotiator aoe)

2. Next focus on Plo Koon

3. Use Art of War to get the buffs up

4. Call in Geo Soldier as 1st reinforcement

5. Use Thrawn’s AoE

6. Call in Vulture Droid

7. If the battle lasts this long, use Thrawn’s ultimate to gain control


General Strategy:


- Hounds Tooth with:

- Geo’s

- Vulture/Hyena

- Sith Bomber

1. Target Fives if present. He is the main threat to the Hounds Tooth,

2. Get taunt up on Hounds Tooth ASAP

3. Art of War to get the buffs up

4. Target Plo Koon second

5. Use Thrawn’s Ultimate to heal HT


Jammax Strategy:


- Hounds Tooth

- Tie Silencer

- Tie Fighter

1. Target Fives if present. He is the main threat to the Hounds Tooth, especially after the Negotiator AoE

2. Keep Fives stunned with Tie Silencer where possible

3. Use Tie Fighter special to get foresight up; this may feed TM to the Chimaera when Tie Fighter evaded Negotiator AoE

4. Get taunt up on Hounds Tooth ASAP

5. Art of War to get the buffs up

6. Target Plo Koon second

7. Use Thrawn’s Ultimate to heal HT

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