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  • Writer's pictureAllan Myers





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The fleet combat missions are all pretty similar. The z1 mission might even be harder than the z4 Starting lineup in a GK fleet:

JKA, 5s and Sarge/Rex/Y-Wing Put 6E mods on all your pilots. You will need Plo as reinforcement, Ahsoka is good to pull if you need a dispel, but it is mostly about protecting JKA and 5s.

Sarge will taunt as long as you have the "Defensive Formation" from platoons. Always use "Republic Protection with GK on your first turn with him, even if it looks safe you will need it. G13 Rebel fleet can also do the missions as long as you are not unlucky with target lock and assists.

LSTB General Team compositions

Rey: Rey (H/D) Hero Poe (D) Hero Finn (S) Holdo (H) + one of Finn/R2/Chewie/BB8

Shaak+Clones: Shaak + 501s Clones (see detalied post about modding) Shaak is a better lead than GAS in TB.

Padme: Padme, GK, JKA, AT +C3PO/R2.

Mon Mothma: Mon, Cara, Pao, Chewpio and HR Scout CLS: CLS, Han, Chewie, C3PO and Chewpio (R2 can sub for Chewpio) see Jammax guides for mods and strategy

Jedi Teams: JKR (no JML/K): Jolee, Basti, GMY and GAS (Hermit and OB can also work) JKL: Hermit, OB, GMY and Jolee is probably best, but any G13 Jedi can work. Important with a 340+ Speed hermit to start with the multi atttack and give tm to JKL so he can stun.

JML: JKR, GAS, Basti, Shaak. (Many options here, JKR might be a better lead than JML) Your two Jedi teams depends on the zones your guild do.

Jedi focus guide: The first G13 Jedi team 99% of all players will get is JKR. The core in your first Jedi team is JKR, Jolee, Basti and GMY, so get them to G13. The 5th is going to be GAS very often, but can also be Hermit, OB or any other G13 Jedi you have thats not with Padme. Very important to get Jolee to r7 and have 100k+ Health on him. Basti is also important to get to G13, she is crucial to dispel Dekas and can also ability block. Use her to give buffs to GMY and spread it out to your team. All the Jedi in this JKR team also works well in the Luke teams when you unlock JKL and JML

Its really important that everyone has atleast one good Jedi team. If your guild does Z3 center twice its also worth the investment to get Barriss to G13 for the GR Jedi mission.

JKL Jedi teams can do any LS mission on the board. So in phases you only have one Jedi mission you can use JKL/JML in the Jedi mission and JKL in a LS mission.

LSTB Zone 1 Center

Mission: LS:Rey/Mon (Or Shaak+Clones)

Jedi:JKR lead (with JML)

Padme Special: Padme+501s clones looks like the best option, but only do it if it does not hurt your other combat missions. Like all the specials a very difficult mission.

LSTB Zone 1 South


LS:CLS/Rey/Mon (Or Shaak+Clones)


What teams to use where in z1 also depends on what your guild plan is. Check with your officers what zone thats most important and use your best teams as they say.

LSTB Zone 2 Center


LS:Shaak+Clones LS:CLS or Padme

GAS/AT (21k):

Check guide post for mods and strategy. 3/4 waves is easy with R7 Gas and correct mods. in W4 you need to land daze on Dooku to have a chance

LSTB Zone 2 South


LS: Rey or MM (Shaak and Padme teams also work)

Jedi:JKL, JML or JKR lead Jedi can do 4 waves. Use GMY in your team to get the AT-TE special attack from platoons

GK, Cody and Sarge special:

LSTB Zone 3 Center


LS:Rey / MM

LS: CLS (follow Jammax guide)

GR Jedi (22k): GK lead with AT, JKA, GAS and Barriss or GAS lead with GK, AT, JKA and GMY/Shaak or any other 22k gr Jedi (AT must be modded to go first to kill the B2 as your first move)

LSTB Zone 3 South


Jedi: Pretty easy with JKL lead. Easier when ship platoons z4 are filled. Expect Geos in w3 or w4 Shaak+Clones

KAM special mission: See posts for modding and strategy

LSTB Zone 4 Center


LS:Rey, Mon or CLS can get 4 waves

Jedi (23k):JKL, Hermit, GMY, Jolee and OB

KAM, Shaak+GR Jedi (23k) special mission:

LSTB Zone 4 South


LS: JKL can get you 4/4 waves Padme, JKA, GK+GR (23k): Very difficult without all platoons, the first wave is not so hard, the 2nd is very hard

GAS+501s Clones (23k): You need to mod Rex for tenacity and pray he does not get stagger. Or you are fucked unless platoons z4 center is full


Team Comps


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